Forget Me Not Friday - Anna Carrie Kephart

Titanic Tribute Poem

Forget Me Not Friday - William Robert Hammersmith
The information below was written by my mother, Carolyne Ruth (Kephart) Gould. She was the adoptive daughter of William Hammersmith. To me, he was Pappy--my grandfather in every possible way, other than by blood. I am proud to be his granddaughter, and I want everyone to know what kind of man he was. So I'm making his story of service the post for Forget Me Not Friday.
This is for you, Pappy. ♥
William Robert Hammersmith, December 20, 1930 - January 26, 1994.
William also known as "Bill" and "Pappy," served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, then joined the U.S. Navy. He received Good Conduct Medals throughout his military career as well as the Navy Unit Commendation Citation 1 Jan 1968; Marksman, 17 Jul 1970; Meritorious Unit Commendation 1 March 1970; National Defense Service Medal; Vietnam Service Medal; Vietnam Campaign Medal; Korean Service Medal, (three Bronze Stars); United Nations Service Medal, and a Purple Heart.
He enlisted in the U.S. Army 18 March 1952 and his basic training was with the 5th Armored Division, Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, from 31 March 1952 to 19 July 1952. He served in the U.S. Army Field Artillary. His Purple Heart and one of the Bronze Stars was earned in Korea when, while wounded in the leg and unable to walk, he drug one of his fellow soldiers to safety by slowly crawling and dragging the other wounded soldier with him. He was discharged from the Army on 24 July 1958 and joined the U.S. Navy the very next day -- 25 July 1958. He retired from the U.S. Navy on 1 October 1981.